

Online Application
Reference Forms

We accept applications and interview applicants on a rolling basis with two priority dates:

First Priority Date: January 15, 2024
Second Priority Date: March 15, 2024

Applications received after these dates will be processed in the order they are received until all positions are filled.

Once we receive your completed application, the following must happen before acceptance into the program can be finalized:

  1. Your application is reviewed by the St. Joseph Worker interview team. At the team’s recommendation you will be invited in for a personal interview. We will contact you either way.
  2. Your initial interview before the St. Joseph Worker interview team will determine provisional acceptance into the program. If you are recommended for acceptance, then on-site interviews are arranged at the work placement sites where there may be a good match with your interest and skills. These interviews will take place with the work supervisor and, on occasion, SJW staff. If an applicant is traveling from out of the area to interview, then placement site interviews may be arranged before provisional acceptance is offered, in order to ease the scheduling and logistics involved with traveling to interview.
  3. Once everyone (you, SJW staff, and work placement supervisor) agrees that a suitable match has been made—then acceptance can be finalized.
  4. If an emergency or other special circumstance arises that causes you to withdraw your application at any stage (especially after final acceptance), please let us know as soon as possible.

If you have any questions about the interview process, the application, or the program in general, please don’t hesitate to call. We look forward to talking with you!

Peace to you as you discern the next steps in your life.